Does an all over tan float your boat?

Does an all over tan float your boat?

Does an all over tan float your boat?

Does an all over tan float your boat? Are you dreaming of Beaches and warm weather? Check out Tan Through Swimwear!

Even during the coldest spell, we’ve had all year, or I guess I should say especially because of, I’m dreaming of a vacation at the beach. I’ve not narrowed down which beach in Georgia yet, but you can bet I’m looking forward to fun in the sun.  I’ve got big plans for this summer and most of my plans include new swimwear.  I’ve been looking around online on a swimsuit or two that I can purchase to be ready for my upcoming travels, and that’s how I found a really special kind of swimsuit company that I think you’d be interested in as well.  I know a lot of you love summers at the beach or on a cruise and I think you’re going to want to learn more.

The company that sells this unique swimwear is called Cooltan Tan Through.  That is a bit of an odd name but there’s a reason it’s called this.  You see, all of the  Tan-Through Swimwear is made from a unique, high-quality fabric called Microsol V that allows you to get a natural suntan right through the fabric about as fast as you would with a medium level SPF sunscreen. No more need for messy oils and lotions! It also dries very quickly to get you back on the go.  I hate to get in a swimming pool after someone has applied oil and jumped in.  Don’t you?

They have swimsuits for everyone and of every kind from tiny bikinis to one piece swimwear.  They even sell men’s swimwear which is important because a lot of men love to tan just as much as women do.  Your guy can even snag Tan Through shirts as well.  If budgeting is a concern of yours, as it is mine (because I’d rather use my money having fun), you’ll be happy to know that Tan Through is affordable to fit any budget.

I’ve got some great news for you.  Tan Through offers Free shipping for U.S. orders of 2 or more. And free returns and exchanges for all domestic orders. I like to be prepared and organized well in advance as most of you are probably aware of by visiting my site.  If you’re planning a vacation this summer or have big plans to do a lot or a little bit of swimming, now is the time to buy.

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  1. oh wow, this is awesome, I would love to have one of these swimsuits. I don’t have any problems with tanning but I like to wear the tankini swimsuits so it would be awesome to still get a tan under the tankini. Thank you for sharing the website, I’ll check if they have any tankinis.

  2. Oh wow! There’s atan through swimwear now? I have to get my sis one of these. She loves the beach and getting a tan.

  3. Geny Gall (whatsupdearie)

    Fascinating way to get a nice tan, however, I will stick with the normal ones. Honestly, I don’t like to expose my skin to the sun; I prefer to cover me instead to expose me

  4. Tanning is not almost non-existent in my country. We Filipinos have naturally brown complexion. People here would rather be white, that is why glutathione is very popular!

  5. I love beach and I got to say i still don’t have proper attire for it. Definitely checking this out. Thanks

  6. I love the way I feel when I have a tan but will inly do spray ons!

  7. Nice bathing suits for tan through! I need to get a new one for next summer but it’s so cold around here that I will wait until the days get a little warmer.

  8. I do love going on holiday and sun bathing. Luckily, I also tan very easily. I burn just as easily though. And I am always keen on expanding my swimsuit collection

  9. For someone who loves beach vacations and beach destinations llike me, I’m so keen with buying swimwear; making sure it’s as comfortable.

  10. I’m the very opposite of tan… always have been. I prefer to be indoors and stay clear of the UV rays.

  11. Fortunately I do not have to purchase tanning products. However I do have friends that could benefit and it looks good on the photos

  12. Hmmm had no idea this was even a thing for swimwear. I’m going to look more into this to see if its a fit for me 🙂

  13. I absolutely love this idea! I didn’t know that there was an option for swimwear like this but I will absolutely check it out.

  14. A tan through suit sounds good as I hate those tan lines that I get. I am dreaming of a beach vacation.

  15. I am going to travel to a bea hy area and still have to find a swim suit so I will see.

  16. I take this opportunity without doubt because I really like the imagination of this costume! Perfect for swimming and enjoying healthy pools!

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