Bacterial infections have become everyday things that affect almost all the systems found in the body. They make it difficult for an individual’s body to perform bodily functions properly. Among the common infections is the urinary tract infection, which is most common in women. For more information on a UTI in Midwood, book an appointment. You will get assistance if you have this infection.
What is a urinary tract infection?
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection. It affects the urinary system, especially the urethra and the bladder. Generally, the urinary tract is designed so that it helps keep all harmful invaders out. However, some bacteria find their way past the urinary tract causing infections that may lead to diseases.
What causes urinary tract infections?
Some of the factors that expose a person to urinary tract infections are:
- Sexual intercourse, especially an individual that has more than one partner.
- Diabetes also is a significant cause of this infection.
- Kidney stones also contribute to the infection.
- Poor personal hygiene.
- Having a urinary catheter.
- If a person’s urinary flow is blocked, it can also lead to a urinary tract infection.
What are the symptoms of urinary tract infections?
An individual suffering from a urinary tract infection shows the following signs and symptoms.
- An individual experiences intense pain or burning during urination.
- An individual tends to experience frequent urination.
- A feeling of urinating despite having an empty bladder.
- Some have bloodstains in their urine.
- Some experience pressure or cramping in the areas around the lower abdomen.
How is the urinary tract infection diagnosed?
The urinary tract infection is primarily diagnosed simply by testing the urine, which is termed as the urine test. A urine sample is taken to the lab, where a series of examinations are done to determine if it has bacteria and blood cells. Usually, urine does not have high levels of detrimental bacteria or blood, hence it is easy to know if urine has infections. Sometimes, an individual can undergo a CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound when diagnosing this infection. Cystoscopy is also used where a tube is used to view the inside of the bladder and urethra.
What are the treatment options for urinary tract infections?
After determining the urinary tract infection category and strictness, a doctor proposes an individual takes oral antibiotics. For severe infections, an individual is required to take IV antibiotics. Those who are post-menopausal and are generally experiencing urinary tract infections are advised to use vaginal estrogen therapy.
How long do urinary tract infections usually last?
The urinary tract infection has a cure. Symptoms of bladder infections vanish away between 20 to 50 hours after the treatment session has begun. An individual with kidney infections may take a little longer for the symptoms to go away completely. It may take at least one week, after which an individual will have completely healed.
In summary, urinary tract infection is more common in women. Therefore if one is experiencing symptoms associated with the infection, she must visit the nearest hospitals for a urinary test to determine the kind of treatment to be used.