When you have a larger family, it can be quite difficult to get the balance right in your home. There can seem like too many people and not enough space. But, with careful planning and consideration, you can make your home perfect and functional for your larger than life family. With that in mind, here are some of the things that you could consider.
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Lot’s of storage
With lot’s of children and people living under one roof, it goes without saying that storage is required. A lot of it as well. Without a place for the endless things to go your home can appear cluttered and messy. Which won’t do anyone any good. You don’t have to go crazy with a storage solution for everything. The best thing to do would be to start working on your problem areas and expanding from there. This might mean shoes collecting at the doorway, or no where to put clean laundry. Create solutions for the immediate problems and you will find things will escalate from there. Before you know it you will have a tidy and functional home.
Functional bedroom spaces for children
When it comes to larger families, you may find that bedroom space needs to be shared. Most children will love the idea of this and see it as a continued adventure and one long sleepover with their siblings. Make sure you create functional spaces in the bedrooms to make the most of what you have. Another suggestion would be to try and zone out the rooms, so your children have their individual spaces to work with. This might be reflected in your choice of decorating by painting walls different colours.
Making use of extra space
Many of you will have an attic space or a basement that might be unused, so it could be time to try and make more use of it where you can. This might mean things such as using the attic for storage or creating a new bedroom. However, make sure you have your roof checking by experts such as ddroofing.com before undergoing any work to ensure it is water tight. The basement could also be transformed into a new room and living space, or extra storage solutions if needed. Think outside of the box and utilise every aspect of your home.
A family kitchen
The kitchen can fast become the hub of the home. Especially for a larger family. It might be where you gather after the school or work day; children may do their homework, and you might dine together as a family. So making your kitchen a viable family space will be essential to keeping the rest of your home in balance.
Large and open space in the garden
Finally, make sure you throw some attention to your outside space. It’s important to have a big open garden to accommodate everyone. Getting outdoors during the summer to eat or play is a great way of encouraging fresh air with children and adults alike. Younger children will love the opportunity to run around a garden.
Let’s hope this helps you make your home perfect and functional for your family.