Wedding Planning Advice During This Uncertain Time

Wedding Planning Advice During This Uncertain Time

When you started planning the most special day of your life, you never knew it would turn out like this. Thousands of couples around the world are having to rearrange their wedding day due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although there are bigger issues going on in the healthcare sector, it can be very stressful to plan a wedding around this global disaster. When it comes to planning the best wedding ever, you want all of your friends and family members to be there; being healthy and safe is the number one priority here and that shouldn’t be forgotten. Although it may seem like all of your plans have gone out of the window, you need to remain calm and rational at this time. If you’re struggling with where to begin right now, here is some advice to follow to make sure that your wedding can go ahead safely on another date.

Communicate With Your Venue

Your venue will be following legal and local guidelines right now, so you need to act in alignment with these. Communication is key and this will help you to move forward with your wedding planning with as little stress as possible. If your venue decides to close altogether and cancel your big day, you may need to look for an alternative. A flexible party venue such as this one, may be able to offer you more options. Whether you’re looking for a large gathering or a more intimate party, you will be able to book a safe date in the near future for your special day.

Make Sure You Have Insurance

If you haven’t already spoken to your insurance company, now is the perfect time to act. Call them up and explain the current situation to them; depending on your policy you may need to pay an excess to cover cancellations, illness or suppliers who won’t turn up on the day. Having wedding insurance is so important, especially during times like this. A lot of insurance companies have closed their offers for weddings, but if you do some research you may be able to find one that you can create a new policy with.

Speak to Your Wedding Planner

Not every couple will have a wedding planner to turn to right now, but if you are lucky enough to have one you need to communicate with them openly. Speaking to your wedding planner will give you clarity on how you’re going to approach the situation together. You don’t have to tackle this alone, so you should definitely reach out for help if you can.

Be Open Minded

The last thing you want to do is change your wedding date, especially as you have been counting down for so many months. Keep an open mind during this process; most venues and suppliers will have never dealt with something like this before so be open to ideas.

Be Kind to Suppliers

Most wedding suppliers are struggling with their livelihood right now, so please be kind to them. A lot of florists, photographers, makeup artists and musicians rely on weddings to earn a stable income. If they are unable to cancel your date due to your contract, you must try and be as understanding as possible. Speak to your insurance company as there may be a way to claim back some money on your deposit.

Patience is Key

You may not be able to get married this year; that is the reality you’re facing now. So many couples are struggling to make their wedding plans work for many reasons, so patience is key. You will have your special day one day, so it’s important to keep this in mind at all times. This uncertainty will pass and your big day will soon be just around the corner!

Although the wedding of your dreams may not be happening on the date you planned, it will happen one day. Remember that the health of your loved ones is so much more important than your wedding day. It may be the biggest day of your life, but this can go ahead at any time in the future. What’s important now is to follow the guidelines set by your local authority. At the moment large gatherings are not deemed to be safe, so you need to make alternative arrangements for your big day. Use the advice mentioned above and you will soon feel much calmer and more relaxed about your wedding planning as a whole during this time of uncertainty.

Image from Pexels – CC0 Licence

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