Summer is in full swing and I do not see anyone without sweat these days. While you can’t completely avoid this bodily function from happening, there are a few ways you can reduce the amount of sweat.
1. Don’t Take Cold Showers
I know what you’re thinking, “WHAT!? It’s boiling outside and you expect me to have a warm shower?” Yes, according to researches and a bit of common sense, taking a cold shower lowers your internal body temperature which eventually rises because it’s hot out. The satisfaction you feel is temporary and your body will sweat more profusely because your core temperature will increase quickly.
2. Try “Undershirts”
Undershirts work to make clothes fit better and look better. The anti-sweat undershirts absorb the sweat and do not show sweat stains. Try an anti-sweat tee from Knix; it has built-in, moisture-wicking underarm sweat pads to stop things from showing through and prevent odor too. The anti-sweat undershirts are truly a saving grace in the summers against sweat and unwanted sweat-related stains.
3. Get a New Haircut
Ladies (and gents), while your mane of thick long hair looks good, we all know the silent suffering you go through when you leave it open and free in the summers. Avoid the hassle of tying and untying and tying them again and just get a haircut. It will grow back out, plus, with all these trendy hairstyles to follow, you will not have to worry about your hair sticking to you all the time.
4. Watch your Diet
No, not because you have put on weight. Some foods actually make people sweat more than usual. Take caffeine, for instance, foods with caffeine in them can make your sweat glands work overtime because it contains a thing called acetylcholine. Watch out for spices as well because they tend to make you sweat more too.
5. Find the Right Clothes
Do not wear anything that fits too tightly no matter how good it looks. The same goes for the kind of materials you choose to wear. The thing is, when you wear anything that rubs against your skin, it causes you to generate more body heat, which leads to increased perspiration. And while I say don’t wear tight clothes, I also don’t mean wear a potato sack. Try these summer apparel trends along with perfumes and scents to feel fresh.
6. Carry a Facial Mist Spray
Whether you wear makeup or not, keep a tiny bottle of facial mist near you. These sprays really do make you feel like a new person on a hot day. Furthermore, if you do wear makeup, this stuff helps prevent it from melting off your face and keeps it glowing. It’s a win-win.
7. Seek Professional Help
While all the methods I discussed above will help reduce your sweat quota, if nothing works for you, I recommend seeking professional advice. Some health issues may also cause excessive sweating such as diabetes, hyperhidrosis, and so on. They can be hereditary or non-hereditary and can either be serious or easily controllable. Either way, going to a skin specialist to get yourself examined is never a bad idea.
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Great tips especially since it’s so hot right now. Didn’t know you used undershirts for that matter since I thought it would make you even more sweaty.
I love the undershirt tip! I do it due to nursing but also because it’s so helpful on these super hot days! Great helpful info!
I love carrying facial mist sprays during summer. Evian makes one that is amazing and if you keep it in the fridge before going out it’s super refreshing during those hot summer days!
I love my facial mist. I always bring it with us on vacation. It’s a great way to cool off and stay refreshed.
These are some really sensible and easy to implement tips. Sweat is indeed a nuisance in summers and especially if you are travelling. The tip about not having a cold shower is so useful, generally, the tendency in summers is to head to a cold shower.
These are great and sound tips. I always take cold shower in the summer so you made me think twice now lol.
The Evian mist spray is something I have always wanted to try out but I always forget to purchase! If it helps my sweating situation then I definitely have to try it out.
These are all great tips for preventing sweat! I guess I am lucky in that I don’t sweat much but I have friends who sweat a LOT and they would love these tips!
I never would have thought of wearing an undershirt as a way to help you stay cool. I’ll definitely be checking that out.
I had no idea caffeine made you sweat more. Oh well, I still have to drink it. 😉 But at least I know some other useful tips that could help.
Awesome tips especially for people who sweat a lot. It’s part of the summer but it’s really nice to minimize sweating as much as we can. Good call on not taking a cold shower, it totally makes sense.
This year because it has been so very hot with humidity, I am sweating a lot more than ever. Good things to keep in mind, thank you.!
It is hard to not get all sweaty in the Midwest. The humidity can really wear you down!
It is SO hot here in Texas. I need to start carrying around a facial spray. I bring water with me often because I hate to be sweaty.
I never knew about the effects of caffeine on sweating. I am going to have to rethink my coffee.
I always wondered why my dad more undershirts. Now I know it was because of this. He is always hot and I am guessing this keeps him from being too sweaty.
These were wonderful tips and I didn’t know we shouldn’t take a cold shower so I will be sharing these tips with my family. As well as checking into the Undershirts for my family.
I’m not usually the sweaty type unless I’m working out. But occasionally I’ll have a hot flash so I need these tips to prevent looking like a hot mess when those flashes hit me.
My husband has worn undershirts since I’ve known him and I always thought that the extra layer would have made him sweaty, but it’s the exact opposite. Great tips because being sweaty is NO fun.