What are the Best Tea Brands for Seasonal Brews?

What are the Best Tea Brands for Seasonal Brews?

If you’re a tea lover, you know the importance of having the right brew at the right time. It’s disappointing to be in the mood for a particular blend only to realize you don’t have any in the house, so think ahead and make sure you stock up for the season ahead with the best brands. 

What are the Best Tea Brands for Seasonal Brews?

Bird & Blend

Bird & Blend is an independent tea company based in Brighton; they were established in 2018 with the aim of spreading their love of tea and more happiness in the process. Whatever they are doing seems to be working because they have shot to the top of the indie tea maker tables.

Bird & Blend specializes in loose leaf tea which from which they create a variety of unique flavors and themes. Fall in love with an autumn tea, for instance, or buy in a batch of lighter teas for spring and summer. The company pays attention to tea quality and has excellent reviews.  


You might have noticed the Teapigs brand in a local health food shop or a local cafe; these are teas that come in attractive card packaging, though you might dismiss them because of the price tag. Although they are a little pricier than ordinary tea, their flavors live up to the cost. 

Unlike Bird & Blend, Teapigs offers teabags rather than loose leaf tea; however, these teabags are transparent and free from chemicals. Teapigs are less experimental with their flavors than Bird & Blend, but they still have some interesting flavors you can rely on for a seasonal brew


If you love tea, then you’ve heard of Whittards, but if you are not too fussed about special teas, you might still have noticed them on the high street. Whittards is a heavy hitter when it comes to specialist tea brands with over a century of experience in the industry, thanks to Walter Whittard. 

Again, Whittard’s is not as experimental as Bird & Blend (very few tea makers are these days), but they have a range of tried and tested flavors that you can buy from their stores or online. But if you prefer to make your own brew, visit green tea shooter recipe at delightfulmomfood.com


T2 is another tea specialist that you might be familiar with from the high street or their online stores. T2 has been around since the mid-nineties and has around 26 years of experience making high-quality loose leaf teas. This brand offers flavored teas, cups, pots, and more. 

Once more, the price tag for a box of T2 might raise an eyebrow, but the quality of the tea is second to none; furthermore, T2 has a selection of favors that you won’t find anywhere else, making it more likely for you to head down to T2 for your seasonal brew than a local shop.   

Yogi Tea

Finally, Yogi tea is a perennial favorite thanks to its unique flavors and wisdom tags; that’s right, Yogi tea is not just a fancy name; they offer you a snippet of ancient wisdom with every cup. Yogi tea also has a range of flavors that are perfect for a seasonal brew – like Ginger Lemon. 

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