5 Top Tips for Weaning Your Baby

5 Top Tips for Weaning Your Baby

Weaning usually begins at around six months, and it can be a challenging time for both parent and baby. Here are some top tips to make it easier:

1. Timing Can Make a Difference 

You may feel like you want to start introducing solid foods to your baby as soon as possible and get it done early in the day. However, because weaning is such a big change for the both of you, it might be best to try more relaxed times of the day when it isn’t a crucial feeding time, like breakfast or at the end of the day. 

Tensions can run high when your baby is most hungry, so trying solid foods at a more relaxed time might help to make the process easier. 

Additionally, it’s important to find a good time when your baby isn’t completely full from a previous meal. 

2. Be Patient with Your Baby’s Taste Preferences

Your baby won’t like everything, and it may take a lot of trial and error. Your baby refusing one type of food constantly may be due to them disliking that particular food, rather than resenting weaning altogether. 

Be sure to stay patient and be persistent, but also know when to change anything which isn’t working. 

3. Set Up a Weaning Station 

It’s always a good idea to get into a routine of where you’re going to feed your baby solid food. This can help to stay organized and keep everything you need in one place, as well as keeping possible mess or spills in one area. 

The best way should be a high chair in the kitchen or at a table to make it easiest for you. You can also invest in extras like a bib with long sleeves which your baby can wear during weaning; a bib with sleeves will help to catch any fallen food and protect your baby’s clothes (as well as your floor). 

4. Get into a Baby Food Routine Which Fits Your Lifestyle

Trying to find and make new baby foods every day for the weaning process can be stressful, especially if you’re already lacking time as a new parent. There’s no pressure for homemade baby food if buying ready-made baby food is easier for you with the time you have. 

Or, you could mix and match both based on the spare time you have in your schedule. 

5. It’s Okay to Take a Break 

With the weaning process, you shouldn’t feel pressure to get it right the first time or persist with it every single day. If your baby simply isn’t taking to solid food at all and is becoming very cranky and you may be feeling the same it’s okay to take a break when you need to. You may want to leave it for a few days before trying again. 

The main thing to remember with the weaning process is that it may be a long process, and doing what works for you and your baby in a patient way is the best method. 

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