5 Ways to Tune Up Your Summer Skin

5 Ways to Tune Up Your Summer Skin

We all love a bit of sun. It brings some healthy colour to our face and bodies, gives us that mood-boosting vitamin D, and opens up the world of swimming pools, beach trips and summer parties.  

But as we transition out of spring into the hotter summer sun, it can take our skin a hot minute to adjust and look its best. It’s very important to practise good skin maintenance, not just to keep us looking our best, but to protect it from damage.

So if you’re looking for some hot tips on how to tune up and take care of your skin this summer, check out the list below. 

5 Ways to Tune Up Your Summer Skin

Image Source: Pixabay CC0 Licence

Sunscreen and Moisturiser  

The jury is out: the single most effective thing you can do to take care of your skin, protect it from sun damage, and keep it looking its best, is to use sunscreen. And not just on the days you’re actively sunbathing – but every single day. 

Long term sun damage dries out your skin, causes wrinkles, and puts your skin’s health at serious risk. So get yourself some factor 30 (at least), and apply liberally every morning. It might take a tad longer to work up that tan, but your skin will thank you for it and you’ll look younger and healthier as a result. 

After a day in the sun, be sure to remove sunscreen, rinse your face clean, and use an aftersun moisturiser. This will help lock moisture into your skin, and stop it drying out.   

Homemade Body Scrubs 

You don’t have to splash out on expensive scrubs and skin products to keep your skin exfoliated, soft, and healthy. Homemade body scrubs work just as well. 

Try mixing lemon juice, caster sugar, and honey, for a cheap, easy body scrum (that can be used on the face too, though less frequently), to wash away dry skin and help it rejuvenate. 

Take Care of Pesky Moles

Most of the time, moles on the skin and body are harmless. However, it’s important to keep an eye on existing moles to see if they change, or talk to your doctor about new moles, just to make sure they are healthy.

If you want to see the back of unsightly moles, skin tags, or red spots, try using a mole remover to even out your skin tone. 

Drink Plenty of Water 

There are lots of reasons to increase the amount of water you are drinking during the summer months. You’ll be sweating more, and losing moisture through your skin, so topping up throughout the day will keep your energy levels and keep you feeling healthy. 

5 Ways to Tune Up Your Summer Skin

Image Source: Pixabay CC0 Licence

But staying properly hydrated will also make a huge difference to your skin’s health and prevent it from drying out. Your skin needs water to keep healthy in the sun, and to help it recover from sun damage. 

Ditch the Caffeine, Switch to Herbal Tea or Water 

Yes, that morning latte in the sunshine is bliss. But it’s not doing your skin any good. For most of us caffeine increases the hormone cortisol (which causes stress) and may cause an increase in the amount of oil your skin produces. And we all know that that means: breakouts.

So whilst you’re taking care of your skin, you might want to switch coffee out for a caffeine-free alternative like herbal tea or your faithful friend, water.    

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