I Found Zip & Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

I have two big suitcases to unpack from our latest vacation from which we have only just arrived home from.  I’ll no sooner get everything put away before I’ll have to start packing again for camp week.  Such is summer life here in Georgia.  We try to make the most of the fresh air and sunshine that we can before cooler weather surfs in and camp week is a big part of our summers.  The kids live for it from year to year and I always make it fun with little notes in their suitcases, backpacks and lunch bags. We take multiple vacations together but camp week is their time. I used to go as a counselor yearly as well as offer my help in the kitchen (if you’ve never cooked for an army-sized crowd before, try cooking at camp) when the kids were smaller but I quit a few years ago.  They are learning their independence according to ages and have a lot more fun when I’m not tagging along although they’d never admit it.  And goodness knows, I enjoy cleaning and organizing every nook and cranny at home during camp week.

On the first day of camp, the kids have to pack their lunch. The cafeteria starts clattering and clanging with army sized pots and pans while the cooks start prepping all of the food to get ready to cook up some wholesome meals for the week.  Because they need all day to start getting organized, on the first day, they only serve supper.  So again, I’ll be packing lunches before taking the kids to drop them off. I’m getting excited just thinking about all the fun I had as a child when I went to camp there myself. I can’t tell you how many sheets I short sheeted and how many of mine that was. Fun times and fond memories center around camp week for all of us.

With fun in mind, I found some cute new Zip & Zoe bookbags and lunch totes right before we left on vacation and the reason I’m sharing them with you is because they’re as precious as can be and because they’re readily available at Barnes & Noble which I’m sure none of you in the U.S. is a stranger too. Especially if you’re a bookworm like yours truly. I could live very happily for the rest of my life at their Macon store. In fact, I love it so much that I try to visit there at least once a week even though the nearest one is an hour and a half away.  Now that’s B & N love.

So anyhow, back to my adorable new goodies.  Zip & Zoe products are now available at 615 U.S. Barnes & Noble stores for Back-to-School 2018 so don’t rule them out for school as well as camp (and picnics, travel, church, vacation bible school, etc). They seem to be made really well so they should survive our summer trips and activities as well as school use. I’m going to show you what I got and keep in mind both of these come in sets. I just needed some different pieces for the kids so I didn’t get a set. I’m guessing I will get new sets at some point. It makes it easier for the kids to keep up with their stuff if it’s in a set or when I write their name on everything.

I can’t wait to pack this bookbag with Abby’s swimming gear, swimsuits, sunscreen and all of her allergy meds. Poor thing is allergic to everything imaginable. There’s a pocket for all of her things and even a place to add her name. This can be used for males and females. The girls are as fond of dinosaurs as Tyler is. Speaking of dinosaurs, who’s planning to see Jurassic World? We are, we are! Anyhow, moving right along, check it out. It’s dino-mite & sweet as can be.

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

I also found a darling little female lunch tote because one of the kid’s lunch totes got lost last year and when you’re a kid, you don’t want to share lunch totes. Shoot, I’m not a kid and I don’t want to share mine, lol. It has unicorns on it and they’re Alyssa’s favorite so she’s going to be excited to take her lunch in it. It has a place for a cold drink inside and on the outside. It’s nice and roomy and I’ll be able to fit a fun little lunch in it that she’s going to be excited about. I should have gotten one for myself because it’s so sweet, even I’d use it. And I really love that it comes with a unicorn ice pack. I just have to pop it in the freezer the night before and add it to her lunch tote when we head out. And of course, who can resist Zoe?

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School

Have you checked out all of the Zip & Zoe products yet at Barnes & Noble? Which set or pieces are your kids favorite? If you’re not familiar with Zip & Zoe head over to Babymel to learn more about them.

Before you leave, would you be so kind as to pin the below image first? xo xo xo

Guess What! I Found Zip and Zoe at Barnes & Noble U.S. for Camp and Back to School


  1. Really fun bags!

  2. These are such cute & unique designs! I could definitely see my nieces & nephews loving these!

  3. Wow! I have never heard of Zip & Zoe before but they both look so cute! I will have to check these out because I know the littles would love these!

  4. I’m not familiar with Zip & Zoe products but I love the backpack

  5. ive never heard of zip, this is cute!

  6. Oh how cute! I just love those bags!

  7. Never heard of Zip & Zoe. Very informative. What little girl wouldn’t love this!?

  8. I’ve never heard of Zip & Zoe before but their products are adorable!

  9. Cute! I’d never heard of Zip & Zoe before reading this!!

  10. Thats a really cute Lunch bag. I remember when my daughter went to summer camp daily. She loved it.

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