Be Careful Of Scam Sellers On Popular Sites

Be Careful Of Scam Sellers On Popular Sites

This post is not meant to bash anyone.  It’s to educate and warn you of all of the scams going on mainly with sellers from other countries. That way you can avoid costly scams.

You will not receive your money back, at all.

Because PayPal has a history of siding with sellers, if you purchase anything and they send you something tiny like a disposable mask, you will not receive your money back from PayPal.  I bought a camera and received a raggedy used disposable mask.

Be Careful Of Scam Sellers On Popular Sites

Enjoy your expensive disposable mask.

Some of the sites that you need to be wary of are places like Etsy, eBay, and new shopping sites. You can use href=””>my daily choice review to see how old a website is.  I purchased something on Etsy from someone who closed her account after selling many items.

Etsy refunded my money today after quite a few attempts to contact them on social media.  I don’t know of any other way you can contact them if it’s happened to you.

New scam websites and sellers are appearing every day and buyers are buying left and right getting ready for back to school.

It’s happened to me, too many times to admit since the start of the pandemic.

Just this year, I came really close to purchasing an RV on eBay until I started doing some digging around on it and the seller.  It was a scam.  They had stolen the photos from a social media influencer’s account. When I called them out about it, they removed the item and added it to the FB marketplace. Many others called them out on there, some of which had actually purchased the RV that didn’t exist.  I’m sure they’ve reappeared somewhere.

Be Careful Of Scam Sellers On Popular Sites

Scammers are everywhere and at every turn.

I’m not saying do not buy from popular online sites because I still do myself. However, from here on out I will only buy from sellers I’ve been buying from for years. If you decide to make a purchase from someone you don’t know, check them out.  See how many items they’ve sold and gotten reviews from, and ask around. Protecting yourself from online scams will potentially save you money in the end.

This is a lesson I’ve had to learn the hard way.

Having said that, similar instances have happened to me on Walmart and Amazon.  The difference is, they made good on the purchases by refunding my money.  Know the companies policies before buying from them, even on popular retail websites.

I didn’t even realize that not everything sold on is from Walmart.

Be Careful Of Scam Sellers On Popular Sites

Lesson learned and I now only buy products that are sold from Walmart.

The pandemic has brought out the good in some people but it’s sure brought out the bad in others.  I just wanted you to be aware with Christmas coming up, that you really need to check out who you’re buying from online.

As always, because of my back disabilities, I plan to do the majority of my shopping online this year.   I now know how to do that safely.

Be Careful Of Scam Sellers On Popular Sites

If the COVID-19 Delta Variant continues to cause infections at the rate it’s going, I have a feeling that a lot of places will shut down again.  That could create even more scammers as everyone turns to online sites to do their Christmas shopping.

Be safe shopping.  Know who the seller is on the other end of your purchase and you will be fine.  I hope my bad scam experiences will help you not make the same mistakes.

Have you been a victim of a scam?  If so I would love for you to share your experience.

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