How to Paint Your Own Nails: The Basics Explained

How to Paint Your Own Nails: The Basics Explained

The use of nail polish began as early as 3000 B.C. in China. Back then, the color nails were painted would indicate what class the person belonged to. Nude or pink meant the wearer was of the lower class, while vivid red nails meant they were of the higher class.

Today, painting your nails is as popular as ever, and everyone is free to paint them any color they want. While many choose to have a professional do their nails, it’s entirely possible to get a sleek look on your own at home.

It isn’t only women who paint their nails modernly (or historically) either. More men than ever are choosing to paint their nails to achieve a more polished look.

Ready to learn how to paint your own nails? Continue reading to learn everything you need to know.

Always Clean up Your Cuticles

Cleaning up your cuticles is priority number one for a sleek, professional result. Start by soaking your cuticles in a special solution. Follow up by carefully trimming and pushing back your cuticles once they’ve softened enough.

Be careful not to cut yourself if using a cuticle trimmer. It’s also important not to trim your cuticles back too much. Trimming too far down can cause pain, discomfort, and bleeding.

Shape Your Nails

Shaping your nails requires two basic tools everyone has in their cabinet – nail clippers and a nail file. Start by trimming your nails to the desired length using the nail clippers. Then, use the nail file to create the desired shape.

Don’t Skip the Base Coat

Before you begin painting your nails, you’ll want to apply a base coat. This helps the color last longer and appear bolder. One to two coats should be enough.

Choose a Quality Polish

Don’t be tempted to grab a cheap, low-quality polish. Instead, opt for quality, more expensive nail varnish. This worthwhile investment ensures your color will last without chipping or fading.

How many coats of polish you’ll use depends on how dark you want the finished result. A minimum of two coats is required for full coverage. If you want a dark or bold color, you’ll want three or four coats of polish.

Use a Clear Top Coat

A clear topcoat will further protect your color from chipping. There are top coats with glitter, tiny foil shapes, and more to add a unique touch if desired. Apply two layers of topcoat to your nails for optimal protection.

More Questions About How to Paint Your Own Nails?

Painting your nails at home is possible and easier than you think. It only takes practice and a small investment into quality products to assist.

Do you have more questions about how to paint your own nails at home?

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